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Press releases

Berlin, July 02, 2024 - The housing shortage in metropolitan areas continues to lead to high demand and rising rents. Residential real estate in Germany therefore remains an attractive long-term investment despite rising interest rates. This is one of the findings of this year's ACCENTRO Housing Cost Report, the ninth edition of which was compiled in collaboration with the German Economic Institute (IW). Among other things, the authors of the study determined the cost advantages of using a condominium over a comparable rented apartment. According to the study, owner-occupiers paid an average of EUR 13.14 per square meter in 2023 and thus lived more cheaply than tenants in 127 of the 401 German districts and independent cities despite rising interest rates.

"Owner-occupier costs rose again in 2023 compared to the previous year, but a turning point is now emerging in the course of 2024. The relative advantage of home ownership over renting is increasing again. This is due to the continued rise in new contract rents, the rather declining completion figures and the stabilization of interest rates," says Prof. Dr. Michael Voigtländer, Head of the Financial Markets and Real Estate Markets competence area at the German Economic Institute.

"Purchase prices have stabilized after a slight decline, while rents are rising steadily due to the immense demand for housing. Buyers with sufficient equity are benefiting from very attractive opportunities in this market," explains Jörg Neuß, CEO of Accentro Real Estate AG.

Interest rate scenarios: Owner-occupier costs are likely to fall again As part of the study, the IW examined the effects of different interest rate scenarios on owner-occupier costs. The results show that owner-occupier costs are likely to fall over the course of the year. The "Rapid recovery" interest rate scenario describes the development path of owner-occupier costs with a decline in mortgage interest rates from the second half of 2024 of 50 basis points per half-year, starting from the level in the first half of 2024 of 3.5%. In this case, owner-occupier costs would fall to EUR 9 in 2025. In the "medium recovery" scenario, interest rates do not fall to 3.0 percent until the first half of 2025. In this case, costs are forecast to fall from EUR 13 to around EUR 11 by 2025. In the "stagnation" scenario, the interest rate remains unchanged at 3.5 percent in the coming year and owner-occupier costs also stagnate. In each of the three scenarios, transaction volumes on the German residential market are expected to increase from the second half of 2024.

Yield triangle: Long-term high average yield since 1990 Real estate is a long-term asset class. In order to determine the long-term average yield of German residential real estate, the IW has developed a yield triangle that depicts the years between 1990 and 2023. An investor who bought a residential property in 1990 and held it until 2023 could realize an average annual total return of 5.5 percent in nominal terms and 3.4 percent in real terms. Investors with a shorter holding period were able to achieve a higher average return during this period.

Calculation: Above-average returns expected in the 2020s "Unlike in the 1990s, there is currently no oversupply in the housing market, but rather far too little supply in many metropolitan areas. Due to declining construction figures and the continued urgent need for immigration, demand is expected to increase. In addition to rising rents, investors are therefore also likely to benefit from increasing increases in value in the near future. The data suggests that yields will be at a historically above-average level in the 2020s," concludes Prof. Voigtländer.

2023: Cost advantages in the areas surrounding Berlin and other major cities Across Germany, owner-occupier costs will have risen by an average of around 30 percent in 2023 compared to the previous year's study. This development can be attributed almost exclusively to the sharp rise in borrowing costs. As a result, the cost advantage of owner-occupiers over tenants also declined, with significant regional differences in some cases: The districts of Oder-Spree (33.2 percent), Dahme-Spreewald (23.2 percent), Oberhavel (23.1 percent), Barnim (15.5 percent), Märkisch-Oderland (12.7 percent), Havelland (12.2 percent), in the direct environs of Berlin all showed comparatively high owner-occupier cost advantages. Nationwide, the owner-occupier cost advantages were highest in the regions of Sömmerda (49.3 percent), Oder-Spree (33.2 percent), Bautzen (33 percent), Jerichower Land (31.4 percent), Emden (28.6 percent), Stendal (26.7 percent) and Salzwedel (23.8 percent). The lowest owner-occupier cost advantages were observed in the district of Haßberge (-107.3 percent) and the independent city of Hagen (-94.7 percent).

In the high-priced metropolitan areas, which traditionally have lower owner-occupier cost advantages than rural areas, costs vary greatly. The costs of owner-occupiers compared to tenants were -1.7 percent in Cologne, -4.7 percent in Düsseldorf, -7.1 percent in Frankfurt am Main, -23.2 percent in Stuttgart, -33.5 percent in Munich, -40.4 percent in Hamburg and -56.8 percent in Berlin. "Although owner-occupier costs in the major cities have risen in 2023, investors should continue to keep an eye on the top 7 cities. The housing shortage is particularly pronounced in the metropolitan areas, the economic outlook is good - in the long term, demand is expected to be almost impossible to meet," explains Neuß.

Methodology: For the Housing Cost Report, which has now been published for the ninth time, the IW compared the housing costs of owners and tenants; the rents and housing costs of all 401 districts and independent cities were evaluated nationwide. The calculation is based on the net cold rents and the costs of owner-occupiers, which result from the purchase price, ancillary purchase costs, mortgage interest and lost interest (opposition interest) on equity as well as repairs and depreciation.

The ACCENTRO Housing Cost Report is available for download here:

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is a residential investor and market leader in residential privatization in Germany. The real estate portfolio comprised around 5,900 units as at December 31, 2023. In addition to Berlin, the regional focus is on major eastern German cities and metropolitan areas as well as the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region. AC-CENTRO's business activities comprise three core areas. These are the tenant-oriented sale of apartments to private owner-occupiers and investors, the sale of real estate portfolios to institutional investors, the development and management of its own real estate portfolio and services for third parties. The shares of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG are listed in the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

About the German Economic Institute (IW)

The Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) is a private economic research institute committed to a liberal economic and social order. Among the members of the registered association are about 110 German industry and employers’ associations as well as individual companies. Project partners include foundations, industry associations and public-sector institutions above all.

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

Berlin, 24 January 2024 - ACCENTRO Real Estate AG, Germany's leading residential privatization company, has been named one of the best real estate agents in Germany by the real estate magazine Bellevue, as it was the year before. With the "Bellevue Best Property Agent" seal of quality, the magazine recognizes real estate companies for outstanding quality in the marketing, brokerage, consulting and sale of properties. Every year, an independent six-member jury of real estate professionals and Bellevue editors assesses the service, market and specialist knowledge as well as the attractiveness of the services offered by the award-winning companies.

"Advising potential buyers and finding suitable properties is one of our core areas. We are delighted to receive this award for our excellent customer service. The award shows that ACCENTRO is ideally positioned to continue offering the best possible service even in a challenging market environment and to ensure a smooth brokerage process ," explains Jörg Neuss, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG.

The residential real estate market in Germany is experiencing strong excess demand. Even in a phase of more difficult financing, demand for residential real estate remains at a high level due to declining new construction figures and a growing population. The company expects private demand for residential property to rise sharply in the coming years, with the rapid increase in rents being a driving factor.

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is a residential investor and market leader in residential privatization in Germany. The real estate portfolio comprised around 5,900 units as at December 31, 2023. In addition to Berlin, the regional focus is on major eastern German cities and metropolitan areas as well as the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region. AC-CENTRO's business activities comprise three core areas. These are the tenant-oriented sale of apartments to private owner-occupiers and investors, the sale of real estate portfolios to institutional investors, the development and management of its own real estate portfolio and services for third parties. The shares of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG are listed in the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).


Justine Niemeyer ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0)30 88 71 81 563

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

  • Inflation protection and value retention levels of German residential real estate remain high

  • Residential property values more stable in value than real estate in other European countries and in other real estate investment products

  • Owner-occupancy more affordable than renting in 328 out of 401 districts in Germany (by an average of 8 percent)

  • Interest rate reversal appears within reach, as inflation rates are expected to slow by mid-year 2023

  • Cost advantages for owner-occupiers may start increasing by year-end 2023

Berlin, 15 June 2023 – Despite the accelerated inflation rate, residential real estate in Germany continues to show a high degree of value retention. At the same time, residential real estate remains an effective inflation hedge. These are among the findings of this year’s ACCENTRO Housing Cost Report that the company compiled in collaboration with the German Economic Institute (IW). In addition, the survey’s authors measures the cost advantage of living in an ownership apartment rather than in a comparable rental flat. According to the survey, owner-occupiers pay less for housing than tenants in 328 out of 401 districts in Germany, including in four of the seven largest German cities. They pay an average of 10.04 euros per square metre compared to an average new-tenancy rent of 10.90 euros per square metre for a comparable apartment. Their cost advantage thus averages 8.0 percent. The survey’s authors assume that interest rates will start easing once the inflation slows down, which in turn would increase the cost advantages for owner-occupiers.

Despite Inflation, German Residential Real Estate is very Stable in Value – Inflation Protection Intact

“The question how effective direct real estate investments are as inflation hedge has been subject to much discussion. Yet we have demonstrated the positive correlation of the returns of real estate investments, especially direct ones, with the inflation rate. Among the various property classes, residential real estate must be credited with the most effective inflation protection because its rents are easiest to adjust to the inflation rate,” explained Prof. Michael Voigtländer of the German Economic Institute. “In addition, the German housing market has proven resilient against sudden fluctuations in value, while a conservative real estate financing culture with long fixing periods and high transaction costs has a calming effect on the transactions market.”

The analyses show that the standard deviation from the real-money apartment prices in Germany is 3.1 percent, which means that the price volatility is lower than in other European countries (UK: 9.6 %, NL: 8.2 %, FR: 4.9 %).

“German residential real estate is one of the most stable-valued asset classes any way you look at it. Particularly in times of high inflation rates, buyers seek security. We have noted that the motives for buying property are gradually shifting, with capital preservation and safety moving into focus for buyers whereas speculative investors hoping for fast price growth are pulling out of the market. The trend toward a long-term investment horizon is stronger than ever before,” explained Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO. “Buyers are currently exercising restraint in response to the sudden interest rate reversal, but as soon as the inflation slows down and in turn brings down interest rates, we will get to see a catch-up effect.”

Interest Rate Reversal Likely – Growing Cost Advantages for Homeowners within Reach

The authors of the Housing Cost Report assume that inflation rates will slow significantly during the second half of 2023. The probable downstream effect of this is an initial interest rate cut within six months after the final interest rate hike. The authors developed three scenarios to measure the effects on the cost advantage of owner occupancy. The “swift recovery” and the “average recovery” scenarios predict initial interest rate cuts in late 2023 or during the first quarter of 2024. In response, the costs of owner-occupancy, relative to renting, are expected to decline significantly. The “stagnation” scenario assumes that interest rates will not change despite the slowdown in inflation. In this case, the cost advantages of homeowners as a result of rising rents would not kick in before the end of 2024.

“Despite the rise in interest rates, buying is still more affordable than renting. The inflation will also cause rents to keep going up. The foreseeable decline in interest rates will probably give an extra boost to the already strong appeal of an owner-occupied home,” explained Schriewer.

“Especially in major cities, an interest rate cut would quickly bring down the owner-occupied housing costs. Overall, we have noted the persistent cost advantage of owner occupancy in the majority of German districts, if subject to significant regional differences,” added Prof. Voigtländer.

328 out of 401 Rural and Urban Districts Deliver Cost Advantages to Homeowners

Buying is more affordable than renting in 328 of Germany’s 401 rural and urban districts. On average, this cost advantage amounts to 8.0 percent. Compared to last year’s report, owner-occupier admittedly have to dig deeper into their pockets, paying 10.04 euros instead of 4.23 euros per square metre and month, but tenants still pay more at 10.90 euros (2021: 10.30 euros). The development is almost entirely attributable to the rise in interest on borrowed capital, whereas the 8.9 percent price growth and the 5.8 percent rise in new-tenancy rents are more or less on the same level.

“The scenario that owner-occupiers dreaded most did not happen. Even though interest expenses doubled, buying is still more affordable than renting on average. Our outlook for this year is that rising rent rates will coincide with slightly fluctuating selling prices,” said Schriewer. “Buyers who bring plenty of equity capital to the table can expect to find buying opportunities here and there.”

“We noted the highest cost advantages in the suburban regions of metropolises and major cities but also in the countryside. Especially in the greater Berlin area, several districts stood out with cost advantages of more than 20 percent,” added Prof. Voigtländer.

Great Cost Advantages on the Periphery of Berlin and Other Major Cities

The districts of Oder-Spree (47.4 %), Dahme-Spreewald (41.3 %), Oberhavel (37.2 %), Barnim (35.8 %), Märkisch-Oderland (34.8 %), Havelland (34.0 %), Teltow-Fläming (24.3 %) and Potsdam-Mittelmark (19.9 %), which border directly on Berlin, all show comparatively strong cost advantage of owner occupancy. Even the city of Potsdam, also located just outside Berlin, returned a cost advantage of 11.0 percent for owner-occupiers despite the price growth of recent years.

The greatest cost advantages of owner occupancy were registered in the rural districts of Sömmerda (59.0 %), Jerichower Land (49.0 %), Oder-Spree (47.7 %), Bautzen (45,9 %) and Altmarkkreis-Salzwedel (42.5 %). The urban districts where owner-occupancy is most cost-advantageous are Trier (34.3 %), Hof (33.5 %), Passau (33.4 %) and Wolfsburg (33.2 %). The lowest cost advantages of owner occupancy were measured in Hassberge (-88.7 %) and the urban district of Hagen (-72.3 %).

In the German metropolises, which have always been known for lower cost advantages of owner-occupancy than rural areas, the survey returned stark cost differences. Here, the cost advantages of owner-occupiers over tenants ranged from 19 percent in Cologne, 17 percent in Düsseldorf, 13 percent in Frankfurt am Main and 3 percent in Stuttgart to -8 percent in Munich, -11 percent in Hamburg and all the way to -26 percent in Berlin.

“Despite their high owner-occupied housing costs, the metropolises should not be underrated. Investors credit them with a particularly bright outlook because their markets promise a more dynamic long-term future growth of rents and prices than many other regions. In short, they have seen particularly brisk price hikes in the past because of the extremely wide gap between demand and supply,” elaborated Schriewer. “The regions surrounding the metropolises and major cities benefit from this dynamic, and they continue to have a larger supply in homes available for sale, while simultaneously the housing costs are far lower for owners than they are for tenants.”

“Negative owner-occupied housing costs are limited to very few metropolises and districts. On average, even the major cities show cost advantages for homeowners versus tenants,” added Prof. Voigtländer. “Although we did note that rental costs and owner-occupied housing costs closed in on each other last year, homeownership will probably regain its appeal, and significantly so, once the interest and inflationary environment calms down.”

Socio-Demographic and Economic Metrics Becoming more Important

The survey’s authors assume that the housing market in regions with a bright outlook will regain their momentum after minor market corrections.

“Buyers will increasingly have to factor economic and socio-demographic trends into their purchase decisions – as automatic price growth can no longer be expected. The key now is to find the right property in the right location,” elaborated Schriewer. “Especially equity-rich investors should now scan the market supply, because there are many interesting properties on the market and fewer rival buyers.”

“The German real estate market has already demonstrated that it offers more stable yield rates than other markets. However, the interest rate reversal has constrained the access to homeownership,” explained Prof. Voigtländer.

“Lawmakers could relieve private home buyers, especially young families, by waiving some of the incidental acquisition costs, and perhaps make subordinated government loans available to help with the financing,” Schriewer added.

“Younger buyers in particular tend to subject their homes to energetic upgrades. In the context of the energy policy shift in the building sector, it is particularly desirable to enable first-time buyers to finance homeownership,” Prof. Voigtländer concluded.


For the purpose of the Housing Cost Report, now in its eighth edition, the IW Economic Institute compares the housing costs paid by owner-occupiers with those paid by tenants; the rents and owner-occupiers’ housing costs were analysed for all 401 of the country’s rural and urban districts.The calculation is based on the net base rent versus the owner-occupancy costs which break down into the purchase price, the incidental acquisition costs, the mortgage interest and the loss of interest (opportunity interest) on the equity employed, along with reinstatement costs and depreciation.

To download the (German version of the) ACCENTRO Housing Cost Report, click here:

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is a residential investor and market leader in residential privatization in Germany. The real estate portfolio comprised around 5,900 units as at December 31, 2023. In addition to Berlin, the regional focus is on major eastern German cities and metropolitan areas as well as the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region. AC-CENTRO's business activities comprise three core areas. These are the tenant-oriented sale of apartments to private owner-occupiers and investors, the sale of real estate portfolios to institutional investors, the development and management of its own real estate portfolio and services for third parties. The shares of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG are listed in the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

About the German Economic Institute (IW)

The Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) is a private economic research institute committed to a liberal economic and social order. Among the members of the registered association are about 110 German industry and employers’ associations as well as individual companies. Project partners include foundations, industry associations and public-sector institutions above all.

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

Berlin, June 14, 2023 - Residential investor ACCENTRO Real Estate AG, Germany's leading residential privatization company, has been named the 2023 Growth Winner in the "Innovative Strength" category of the EUROPEAN REAL ESTATE BRAND AWARD. The European Real Estate Brand Institute (REB.Institute) has been empirically evaluating the positioning of corporate brands in all relevant sub-sectors and asset classes in Europe on a scientific basis for 15 years. For the tenth time, the strongest brands in the European real estate industry have now been honored with the REAL ESTATE BRAND AWARD for their achievements in brand management.

"We are the market leader in residential privatization. This award confirms that we are on the right track with our brand and our business. We are particularly pleased that we are increasingly perceived as a company that drives innovation in the industry and the real estate market. Most recently, for example, with our exclusive sales partnership with ImmoScout24, our real estate platform, and our digital presence and major awareness campaign in Berlin," says Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG. "That our performance has been recognized with the EUROPEAN REAL ESTATE BRAND AWARD makes us incredibly proud."

For 15 years now, the Real Estate Brand Institute has been surveying the brand values of European real estate companies in 45 markets on the basis of up to 20 assessment criteria. Via an anonymized online survey, in which 120,000 industry experts participated this year, the independent investigation of more than 1,700 corporate brands is carried out. Since 2019, in addition to the strongest brands in the respective sub-sector, the growth winners of the individual assessment criteria are also awarded. This is based on growth between two survey periods.

Since 2018, the Real Estate Brand Institute has been awarding prizes to the brands with the greatest growth in selected assessment criteria in addition to the absolutely strongest brands in each sub-sector. The focus is on brand competence in the areas of climate neutrality, social commitment, innovative strength, personal experience, recommendation by third parties, and relevant set. These strong driver criteria are evaluated across all industries. Growth is measured between two survey periods. Brands that receive the BRAND KPI-AWARD show the strongest growth of all brands analyzed in the study.

About the European Real Estate Brand Institute GmbH

The EUROPEAN REAL ESTATE BRAND INSTITUTE, in short REB.Institute, is the institute for brand management and corporate development of the European real estate industry. The annual Real Estate Brand Value Study provides scientifically validated data on brand positioning. Questions about how brands have developed in detail and what unused potential there is to be leveraged are answered individually by REB.Institute experts in company analyses and strategic recommendations for action.

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is a residential property investor and Germany’s market leader in housing privatisations. Its real estate portfolio consisted of around 4,900 units as of 31 December 2021. In addition to Berlin, regional focal points include eastern German cities and conurbations, as well as the Rhine-Ruhr metro region. The business activity of ACCENTRO comprises three core divisions. They are the tenant-sensitive retailing of apartments to private owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors as well as the selling of real estate portfolios to institutional investors, and the build-up and management of a proprietary real estate portfolio, plus the provision of services for third parties. The shares of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG are listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

Berlin, 24 February 2023 - Today, ACCENTRO CEO Lars Schriewer was appointed to the Federal Economic Senate. The Federal Economic Senate is the excellence body of the association Der Mittelstand. BVMW. Its members include numerous hidden champions and global market leaders, as well as outstanding personalities from science and culture. The 350 members of the Senate generate annual sales of around 120 billion euros and are responsible for 1.2 million employees. Christoph Ahlhaus, Secretary General of the German Senate for Economic Affairs and former First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, paid tribute to Schriewer in his laudation: "In his work at numerous listed companies, Lars Schriewer has always provided progressive impetus and thus helped to develop performance and innovative strength in particular. But beyond creating competitive advantages for medium-sized businesses, Lars Schriewer has been committed to young entrepreneurs and start-ups, whom he has supported and accompanied on their path to success as a business angel and mentor." Exemplary, he said, is his civic engagement in supporting young artists at the intersection of art and architecture, as well as his collaboration with star designers such as Philippe Starck, with whom he helped introduce the Starck designer apartments in Germany. Ahlhaus added, that "Lars Schriewer has always thought outside the box in his industry and and pioneered new ways of brand profiling at ACCENTRO through groundbreaking collaborations." Schriewer won numerous prestigious awards for the companies he managed, such as the award for the best residential real estate strategy in Germany or the Fokus Top Arbeitgeber Mittelstand 2023 award for ACCENTRO. Especially in a difficult market environment, Schriewer has proven that he can successfully navigate a company through troubled waters. Ahlhaus: "With Lars Schriewer, the Federal Senate for Economic Affairs is gaining a distinguished exceptional entrepreneur and crisis manager who will enrich the top committee of the German SME sector with his great expertise."

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is a residential property investor and Germany’s market leader in housing privatisations. Its real estate portfolio consisted of around 4,900 units as of 31 December 2021. In addition to Berlin, regional focal points include eastern German cities and conurbations, as well as the Rhine-Ruhr metro region. The business activity of ACCENTRO comprises three core divisions. They are the tenant-sensitive retailing of apartments to private owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors as well as the selling of real estate portfolios to institutional investors, and the build-up and management of a proprietary real estate portfolio, plus the provision of services for third parties. The shares of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG are listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).


Justine Niemeyer ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0)30 88 71 81 563

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

Berlin, 27 January 2023 - Residential investor ACCENTRO Real Estate AG, Germany's leading residential privatization company, has been named one of Germany's best property agents by Europe's largest real estate magazine Bellevue. The magazine has been awarding the "Bellevue Best Property Agent" seal of quality since 2006 to real estate companies from all over the world for special quality in the marketing, brokerage, consulting and sale of real estate. An independent six-member jury of real estate professionals and Bellevue editors annually evaluates the service, market and professional knowledge, as well as the attractiveness of the offering of the award-winning companies.

"Quality in advice and product have always been the pillars of our success. We are very pleased to receive this award. It shows us that we are making the right decisions as a company," explains Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG. As a result, ACCENTRO was able to further increase its own sales in 2022. For the coming years, the company continues to anticipate rising demand for residential real estate. Schriewer emphasizes that the residential and real estate market in Germany is characterized by strong excess demand in the medium to long term. "ACCENTRO is ideally positioned to continue growing."

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is a residential property investor and Germany’s market leader in housing privatisations. Its real estate portfolio consisted of around 4,900 units as of 31 December 2021. In addition to Berlin, regional focal points include eastern German cities and conurbations, as well as the Rhine-Ruhr metro region. The business activity of ACCENTRO comprises three core divisions. They are the tenant-sensitive retailing of apartments to private owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors as well as the selling of real estate portfolios to institutional investors, and the build-up and management of a proprietary real estate portfolio, plus the provision of services for third parties. The shares of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG are listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).


Justine Niemeyer ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0)30 88 71 81 563

Ansprechpartner für Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit:

Jasper Radü, PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49 (0)40 54 09 08 421

Berlin, January 16, 2023 - The residential investor ACCENTRO Real Estate AG, Germany's leading residential privatization company, will be the official main sponsor of the Berlin tennis club SCC Berlin from January 2023. In addition to ACCENTRO's presence at the sports facility, the company will be featured on the team jerseys of the 1st men and 1st juniors of the traditional Berlin club. In addition, the major senior tennis tournament of the German Tennis Federation, which is held annually at SCC Berlin, will in future bear the name "ACCENTRO SCC Open".

"As ACCENTRO in Berlin, we are not only the market leader in the sale of residential apartments, but also deeply rooted in society," explains Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate. " Looking for a strong partner in Berlin sports, the cooperation with the successful SCC was an obvious choice for us. We already support the sport in other areas and are very much excited about the joint collaboration."

Founded in 1911, the SCC Berlin tennis club is one of the most renowned clubs in all of Germany, with more than 40 teams. The club, whose sports facility is located on the edge of the Grunewald forest in Berlin-Charlottenburg, places particular emphasis on its youth work. For this, the club has received numerous awards, such as the Star of Sports for outstanding youth development from the German Sports Federation and the title of the most successful tennis club in Berlin and Brandenburg.

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is a residential property investor and Germany’s market leader in housing privatisations. Its real estate portfolio consisted of around 4,900 units as of 31 December 2021. In addition to Berlin, regional focal points include eastern German cities and conurbations, as well as the Rhine-Ruhr metro region. The business activity of ACCENTRO comprises three core divisions. They are the tenant-sensitive retailing of apartments to private owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors as well as the selling of real estate portfolios to institutional investors, and the build-up and management of a proprietary real estate portfolio, plus the provision of services for third parties. The shares of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG are listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).


Justine Niemeyer ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0)30 88 71 81 563

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

Berlin, November 28, 2022 - Housing investor ACCENTRO Real Estate AG, Germany's leading residential privatization company, has been named a "Top Medium-Sized Employer 2023" by FOCUS-BUSINESS. This is based on employee evaluations of around 4,000 employers from 40 industries based in Germany. Selection criteria such as company size, employee ratings from a Germany-wide online survey, and existing online ratings on kununu were decisive for the rankings. ACCENTRO had previously been awarded the "kununu Top Company 2023" seal.

"The awards as a top employer honor us. Our employees are our capital, so we are pleased that we can offer a pleasant and healthy working environment. This is quite crucial, especially in times of a shortage of skilled workers," says Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG. "We see the award as an incentive to continue working on the satisfaction of our colleagues."

ACCENTRO's team has been growing continuously for years. More than 100 employees from over 20 nations work in diverse professions and form the foundation for the company's success. In addition to a varied and responsible job, employees also benefit from numerous training and continuing education programs as well as health-related offers such as in-house physiotherapy.


Justine Niemeyer ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0)30 88 71 81 563

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

  • Nearly 20 percent growth in revenues in Germany, with Berlin remaining the fastest-selling city

  • Number of transactions increases by 4.4 percent

  • Highest number of sales per 1,000 residents in Leipzig and Chemnitz

  • Average apartment price now at 250,272 euros and at 456,233 euros in the “Big 8”

Berlin, 29 September 2022 – Revenues from apartment sales in Germany’s 80 biggest cities rose by 19.4 percent to a record level of nearly 43 billion euros in 2021. Analogously, the absolute number of ownership apartments sold grew by 4.4 percent to 127,967 apartments. This is the upshot of the 15th ACCENTRO Homeownership Report 2022 that was compiled by ACCENTRO Real Estate AG in collaboration with the German Economic Institute (IW). Within the framework of an ad-hoc extraction, the IW team of Prof. Dr. Michael Voigtländer also examined the ramifications of the increase in building finance rates and of the inflation on the homeownership market.

The ACCENTRO Homeownership Report is the only German publication that aggregates and interprets the data that municipal property valuation committees retain on apartment sales in all major German cities. In this regard, the report differs from other publications of this type, which tend to rely on expert appraisals or the evaluation of supply-side data.

Double-Digit Growth in Revenues

Total revenues in 2021 increased by 19.4 percent compared to the previous year, rising from 36 billion euros to now 42.864 billion euros. During the same period, the number of transactions increased by 4.4 percent to a total of 127,967 sales. In the “Big 8,” meaning Germany’s eight largest cities (Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Leipzig, Munich and Stuttgart), apartment sales registered a 9.63-percent increase up to a total of 55,939 transactions. The fastest rise in revenues over the past ten years were primarily recorded in mid-size cities in eastern Germany such as Gera (+774 %), Halle/Saale (+468 %) and Chemnitz (423 %). Cities where sales declined include Siegen and Remscheid.

“The mid-size cities acted as stabilising anchor of last year’s revenue figures. As a result, these cities are attractive for buy-to-let investors. Their robust performance is often explained by sound economic conditions and low entry prices,” explained Lars Schriewer, the CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG. “It is a trend that has gradually emerged over the past ten years. At the same time, our report shows that demand in the metropolises remains high.”

Among the ten cities with the fastest revenue growth over the past ten years are, in addition to Gera, Halle (Saale) and Chemnitz, other mid-size cities such as Magdeburg (+332 percent) and Offenbach near Frankfurt with a revenue increase by 299 percent. The number of apartments sold dropped in 41 of the 80 examined cities in 2021. At the other end of the scale, you find 16 cities that recorded double-digit percentage growth. These alone claimed a 38-percent share of all sales. Wolfsburg, home to Volkswagen, made the record with the biggest increase in the number of transactions (+75 percent), trailed by Kassel with a 42-percent increase.

Growing Motivation to Buy

Despite the persistently strong demand for housing, the supply shortage, and the inadequate completions figures, the year 2021 was characterised by demonstrable catch-up effects as far as the number of transactions goes, especially in the “Big 8” cities. Berlin is taking the lead here: The 19,784 apartment sales registered in the German capital account for more than 15 percent of all transactions. Runner-up is Munich with 10,965 apartment sales while Hamburg came in third with 6,241 sales. Given the size of these cities, this is not much of a surprise. Striking to note is that Leipzig and Dresden (with 5,481 and 4,071 units sold, respectively) are among the top 5 here, ranking fourth and fifth.

“There were 34 German cities with more than 1,000 transactions in 2021. This is a figure that has been stable for years, yet it also underlines the small-scale nature of the German housing market. So, even as the ten largest cities claim half of all transactions, investors showed keen interest in cities with lower transaction figures,” elaborated Prof. Dr. Michael Voigtländer, head of the research unit financial and real estate markets at the German Economic Institute (IW), who was once again in charge of the data collection this year.

Highest Number of Property Sales per 1,000 Residents Recorded in Leipzig

Real estate in eastern Germany is currently trending among buyers. With 9.1 apartments sold for every 1,000 residents, Leipzig took the lead. Chemnitz, while maintaining its ratio of 8.6 apartment sales per 1,000 residents, was demoted to second place. Particularly vibrant residential property markets are found in northern Germany (e. g. Bremerhaven), in eastern Germany, (e. g. Dresden and Gera), but also in the Bavarian cities of Fürth, Munich, Augsburg and Regensburg. The average ratio among the 80 markets studied is 4.3 apartment sales for every 1,000 residents. The metropolises Berlin (4.37), Düsseldorf (4.79), Munich (6.62) and Stuttgart (4.84) exceed the average, whereas Frankfurt am Main (4.15), Hamburg (3.25) and Cologne (3.70) fall short of it.

“The transaction figures keep going up. However, ownership apartments remain a scarce commodity, and demand is as strong as ever. As a result, steadily rising prices coincide with transaction figures that are still below the level recorded a few years ago,” Lars Schriewer added. “Finding an apartment is not getting any easier or cheaper for buyers.”

Between 2020 and 2021, the average price tag of an ownership apartment rose to 250,772 euros, which implies an increase by 10.97 percent. At 13.84 percent, the growth in the “Big 8” cities was even faster, and selling prices higher at an average of 456,233 euros. In Munich and Hamburg, buyers continue to look at average price tags beyond the mark of 500,000 euros, but even Frankfurt am Main has lately joined this illustrious club with 555,804 euros on average.

Berlin Keeps Showing a Strong Revenue Performance and a Significant Increase in Transactions

Meanwhile, Germany’s first city registered a very large number of transactions after a year-on-year increase by 20 percent. Although it should be remembered that the pandemic caused the number to fall by eleven percent the year before, even a two-year comparison returns an increase by seven percent. The surge is reflected in a revenue growth by 157 percent up to a total of 8.3 billion euros. In this as in other rankings, Munich scored second place with nearly seven billion euros in revenues from apartment sales. Bringing up the rear among the “Big 8” cities is Stuttgart with 1.2 billion euros worth of transactions.

New-Build Units Still Hard to Get, Accounting for One in Five Sales

A total of 25,274 new-build units were sold in 2021, the cities with the highest number of sales being Berlin (3,796), Munich (3,045) and Hamburg (1,574). Collectively, the number of sold apartments increased by 2.5 percent in the 80 cities examined. Some of the “Big 8” cities saw their new-build apartment sales increase at double-digit percentage rates, among them Berlin, Munich, Leipzig and Frankfurt am Main. In 50 of the cities, sales figures flatlined or declined. “The real estate industry is currently facing major challenges on the cost side. Rising interest rates, but also shortages in materials and skilled workers, are hampering efforts to achieve the government target of 400,000 new apartments completed per year. Given the current parameters, the high construction output of 2020 is probably a thing of the past. But demand has maintained its high level and will not contract in the years ahead. In fact, there is a good chance that the situation will trigger further price hikes,” explained Lars Schriewer.

Following the banner year of 2020 with 306,000 apartments completed, the completions total of 2021 represented a first set-back with a total of 293,000 units. To achieve the targeted construction output of 400,000 units annually, capacities would have to be drastically expanded, yet quite the opposite is happening. In the coming year, housing organisations expect to see the annual completions figure decline further by 50,000 to 70,000 apartments. New apartments will continue to be in short supply. On the bright side, this helps to stabilise the prices of new apartments or may even prompt further price hikes.

Interest Rates, Inflation, Construction Costs: Housing Supply Shortage will Drive up Prices

Bundesbank and research institutes currently project an inflation rate of seven to eight percent for the ongoing year. Growing building finance rates and construction costs have deepened the sense of uncertainty on the capital market and slowed the economic growth. Other factors such as a shortage of skilled labour and material bottlenecks ultimately result in a steady slowdown of construction activities, and this despite growing demand.

“Considering the current circumstances, residential real estate is a secure buy-to-let investment and an effective inflation protection. Housing has been and continues to be a basic need, and rising costs can be passed on via rent reviews in the longer term,” explained Prof. Voigtländer. “Since demand for housing has remained strong, we expect prices to keep going up indefinitely.”

“If rent rates were to go up as a result of inflation, it would have a positive effect on property prices. Once the short-term repercussions of the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis have been overcome, wage increase should permit rent reviews to compensate for inflation,” Schriewer added.

Another finding of the ACCENTRO Homeownership Report 2022 is that Germany’s conurbations continue to offer attractive market-entry opportunities for buy-to-let investors with a long-term horizon. In the short term, the current uncertainties will translate into serious opportunities for investors with resolve and a solid equity basis because the competition is less fierce for the time being than it was over the past years. Once the economic uncertainties begin to ease, the interest in homeownership will quickly rebound. The increase in demand thereby generated will influence the pricing of the anyway short supply, so that revenues will probably keep soaring.

About the ACCENTRO Homeownership Report

This year’s edition marks the fifteenth time that ACCENTRO Real Estate AG published the ACCENTRO Homeownership Report. Like last year, the homeownership report was compiled in collaboration with the German Economic Institute (IW). Its analysis is based on the ownership apartment sales transacted in Germany’s 80 most populous cities during the reporting year of 2021. A significant distinction that sets the report apart from similar publications, most of which rely on expert appraisals or on analyses of supply-side data, is that it draws on the data of the cities’ property valuation committees. The report consists of two different parts. While the first part compares the various housing markets, using a variety of criteria, the second part breaks down the market data for each of the 80 cities studied. The findings of the ACCENTRO Homeownership Report on Germany’s eight most populous cities and the trends of the past twelve years are also available online, and may be retrieved in the form of selective drilldowns:

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is a residential property investor and Germany’s market leader in housing privatisations. Its real estate portfolio consisted of around 4,900 units as of 31 December 2021. In addition to Berlin, regional focal points include eastern German cities and conurbations, as well as the Rhine-Ruhr metro region. The business activity of ACCENTRO comprises three core divisions. They are the tenant-sensitive retailing of apartments to private owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors as well as the selling of real estate portfolios to institutional investors, and the build-up and management of a proprietary real estate portfolio, plus the provision of services for third parties. The shares of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG are listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).


Justine Niemeyer ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0)30 88 71 81 563

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

  • 2022 in the category "Best Residential Real Estate Strategy (Germany)

  • Cooperation with ImmobilienScout24 as innovative sales strategy

Berlin, 26 July 2022 - Residential investor ACCENTRO Real Estate AG, Germany's leading residential privatization company, has won the prestigious award for the best residential real estate strategy in Germany. The company beat out the competition due to its innovative business model. "We are incredibly pleased to receive this award and see it as further confirmation of our business strategy. In recent years, we have intensively expanded and consolidated our market-leading position as a responsible investor, privatizer and real estate manager. We have taken innovative paths - not least through our cooperation with ImmobilienScout24 - and have maintained our position as a crisis-proof company," says Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG, on receiving the internationally renowned award.

ACCENTRO's business model is based on three different areas of activity: The core business is the sale of apartments to private buyers. The company has sold more than 18,000 apartments worth well over EUR 2 billion since 2009. In addition, particularly since the appointment of Lars Schriewer as CEO in March 2020, ACCENTRO has been pushing ahead with the development of its own residential real estate portfolio, now comprising around 4,300 units, in order to tap another stable source of income by generating rental income as part of a buy-and-hold strategy. The company's third mainstay is the marketing and sale of apartments for existing owners, investors and project developers.

This service business is to be strengthened by the exclusive cooperation with the largest real estate portal in Europe, ImmobilienScout24. As part of the cooperation, ACCENTRO provides developers and sellers with a purchase and sales guarantee, thus creating a secure exit scenario that allows for reliable cost calculations again in times of rising construction costs. In addition, the company is driving the digital transformation in the real estate industry and has founded the company Proprate together with the Samsung subsidiary Cheil. Proprate bundles all purchase offers from the major real estate portals and provides them with a scoring for investors.

With this creative mix, Lars Schriewer led the company safely through the Corona pandemic, resulting in ACCENTRO achieving record sales of €192.7 million in the 2021 financial year, an increase of 53.9% year-on-year, despite difficult circumstances. The first quarter of 2022 was also highly favorable for ACCENTRO, with consolidated sales up 22.1% year-on-year, EBIT up 59.0% and the EBIT margin even up 250 basis points.

In addition to the success of the business model in the difficult political and economic environment of recent years, the jury also praised ACCENTRO's efforts to create transparency in the real estate market. For example, the ACCENTRO Housing Cost Report and the ACCENTRO Home Ownership Report, which shed light on the costs of property and the housing market each year, were appraised as contributing to informed decision-making by real estate buyers in Germany.

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).


Justine Niemeyer ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0)30 88 71 81 563

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

  • Owner-occupiers’ housing costs stable

  • Splitting agent’s fee has boosted cost advantage of homeownership

  • Major price drops are therefore not to be expected in the short term.

Berlin, 08 June 2022 – Buying residential property in Germany was 59.2 percent more affordable than renting in 2021, this being the nationwide average. In other words, the cost advantage of occupying an ownership apartment over living in a comparable rental flat increased by another three percent since 2020 – which is the upshot of the ACCENTRO Housing Cost Report in its seventh edition, once again compiled in collaboration with the German Economic Institute (IW). According to the survey, owner-occupiers pay less for housing in 399 out of 401 districts in Germany, including in the metropolises. They pay an average of 4.21 euros per square metre compared to an average new-tenancy rent of 10.30 euros per square metre for a comparable apartment.

That owner-occupiers’ housing costs declined by 0.11 euros year on year whereas prices for ownership apartments went up by ten percent during the same period of time is explained, according to IW, by the simultaneous surge in new-tenancy rents and the moderate interest rate development in 2021 – effectively lowering even the opportunity interest rate. Had the opportunity interest rate remained stable, home buyers would have faced owner-occupiers’ housing costs of 4.76 euros per square metre and thus an eleven-percent increase. Another factor that has eased the load for home owners was the decision, enacted in 2021, to split the agent’s fee between seller and buyer.

For the purpose of the Housing Cost Report, now in its seventh edition, the IW Economic Institute compares the housing costs paid by owner-occupiers with those paid by tenants; the rents and owner-occupiers’ housing costs were analysed for all 401 of the country’s rural and urban districts.The calculation is based on the net base rent versus the owner-occupancy costs which break down into the purchase price, the incidental acquisition costs, the mortgage interest and the loss of interest (opportunity interest) on the equity employed, along with reinstatement costs and depreciation.

In its latest survey, the IW institute identified several reasons explaining why homeowners pay less for housing than tenants. As a result of the still rather affordable mortgage interest, the anyway very low costs for homeownership have decreased even further. Although selling prices have continued to go up, the price growth is more than offset by the savings implied by the interest rate cuts. Tenants simply lose out on this interest advantage.

“Our ACCENTRO Housing Cost Report 2022 shows that 2021 was an excellent year for home buyers in Germany. The cost advantage for owner-occupiers continued to rise, if at a moderate pace, and is now close to 60 percent, implying an enormous gap. Considering the high property prices and the rising rent levels, homeownership is still the optimal private retirement plan,” elaborated Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG.

Owner-Occupiers Better off even in Metropolises

Especially in rural areas and regions with low or medium selling prices, the owner-occupiers’ housing cost advantage remained rather conspicuous in 2021. For instance, the greatest cost advantage at 82.9 percent was registered in the rural district of Sömmerda in Thuringia. But even in the German metropolises, which are known for their comparatively low cost advantage for owner-occupiers, homeownership presented major economic benefits. The cost advantage of metropolitan owner-occupiers over tenants ranged from 47.3 percent in Berlin (2020: 40.8 percent), to 53.7 percent in Hamburg (2020: 50.0 percent), 54.9 percent in Munich (2020: 53.4 percent), 59.3 percent in Stuttgart (2020: 57.9 percent), 63.7 percent in Frankfurt am Main (2020: 60.4 percent), 65.7 percent in Düsseldorf (2020: 64.1 percent), and all the way to 66.2 percent in Cologne (2020: 65.0 percent).

“Even in the metropolises, the cost advantage of owner-occupiers over tenants continued to increase. So, going for homeownership made sense even in the country’s largest cities. At the end of the day, homeowners simply have more money in their pockets,” Schriewer elaborated.

Owner-occupiers’ housing cost advantage, yields, price-to-rent ratios, and price trend

Cost advantage of owner occupancy

Gross initial yield

Gross rent multiplier

Rent rate

Purchase prices, €/sqm

Berlin47.3 % (2020: 40.8 %)2.6 % (2020: 2.7 %)38.5 (2020: 36.4)€13.10 (+2.8 %)€6,029 (+8.7 %)
Düsseldorf65.7 % (2020: 64.1 %)4.0 % (2020: 4.3 %)24.8 (2020: 23.2)€14.80 (+2.8 %)€4,409 (+10.0 %)
Frankfurt am Main63.7 % (2020: 60.4 %)3.8 % (2020: 4.0 %)26.5 (2020: 24.8)€19.60 (+2.6 %)€6,222 (+9.4 %)
Hamburg53.7 % (2020: 50.0 %)2.9 % (2020: 3.1 %)34.5 (2020: 32.0)€17.60 (+3.9 %)€7,270 (+12.2 %)
Cologne66.2 % (2020: 65.0 %)4.1 % (2020: 4.4 %)24.5 (2020: 22.6)€15.60 (+3.4 %)€4,581 (+11.6 %)
Munich54.9 % (2020: 53.4 %)2.9 % (2020: 3.2 %)34.1 (2020: 31.7)€22.70 (+2.5 %)€9,285 (+10.4 %)
Stuttgart59.3 % (2020: 57.9 %)3.3 % (2020: 3.6 %)30.1 (2020: 27.9)€16.80 (+2.5 %)€6,074 (+10.5 %)
Sources: German Economic Institute (IW); vdpResearch (2022)

Interest Rate Reversal Hits Residential Property Market

Coming on the heel of the pandemic, the war in Ukraine is yet another event with downstream effects for the German real estate market. In addition to the brisk rise in energy prices and the high inflation, initial interest rate moves by the ECB are to be expected before the end of this summer. The interest rate reversal has already hit the real estate market, with interest expenses rising quickly. The survey’s authors believe that the effect will be reflected on the market in the form of rising owner-occupiers’ housing costs in 2022. Price drops, by contrast, are not to be expected in the short term.

“So far, the market has coped splendidly with the rise in interest rates. Increasing construction costs and a still growing demand for that rare commodity called ownership apartment have stabilised the market,” elaborated Prof. Dr. Michael Voigtländer from the German Economic Institute. “That said, rising interest levels will significantly lower the cost advantage of owner-occupiers.”

Depending on the outcome of the war in Ukraine and the future course of the coronavirus pandemic (especially in Asia), the German Economic Institute expects the inflation to decline again, which in turn would send interest rates back down. In addition, it is safe to expect real wages to go up, at least in the medium term, which would also cause the affordability of homeownership to bounce back.

The ACCENTRO Housing Cost Report compares three different interest rate scenarios. In the scenario assuming a building finance rate of two percent, owner-occupiers’ housing costs would rise by 66 percent up to 6.97 euros per square metre. An interest level of 2.5 percent would drive owner-occupiers’ housing costs up to 8.55 euros, more than doubling them, while an interest rate of three percent would cause them to rise by 141 percentage points, up to 10.12 euros. It should be remembered that the underlying assumption is a stable selling price level – yet the emerging price growth in early 2022 points to further increases in owner-occupiers’ housing costs by another eight percent to 7.32 euros (under the 2-percent interest rate scenario), another ten percent (2.5-percent interest) to 8.97 euros, or even by an extra twelve percent (3-percent interest) to 10.63 euros.

“Owner-occupiers’ housing costs will most likely go up following the interest rate reversal, and this would diminish the cost advantage of owner occupancy. Over the past 20 years, the average interest level was 4 percent, which is significantly higher than today’s level, and still the real estate market had its appeal. The main thing when buying property is to maintain a long-term perspective, and in cities all over Germany, the long-term outlook continues to be extremely bright because of the demographic growth,” as Lars Schriewer explained. “However, owner-occupiers’ housing costs stay well below the anticipated new-tenancy rents, even in the most drastic interest rate scenario – so, buying is still more affordable than renting.”

Owner-Occupiers’ Housing Cost Advantage Remains Intact in Most Parts of Germany, Despite Rising Interest Rates

The German Economic Institute (IW) assumes in its analysis that even an interest hike from currently two percent all the way up to three percent would leave the owner-occupiers’ housing cost advantage intact in the suburbs of the metropolises and major cities and even elsewhere in Germany. Less resilient are the “Big 7” cities because their neutral interest rate (at which new-tenancy rents and owner-occupiers’ housing costs are in balance) equals 2.8 percent, slightly below the interest level of three percent in IW’s most drastic interest rate scenario.

Interest rate scenario calculation 2022 by region type

Type of region

Neutral interest rate (scenario calculation 2022)

“Big 7” cities2,8 %
Suburbs, “Big 7” cities3,6 %
Major city3,1 %
Suburbs, major city3,5 %
Other3,7 %
Source: German Economic Institute (IW)

“In addition to short supply, the rise in interest rates presents prospective buyers with a second bottleneck. The Federal Government should make the homeownership more affordable for first-time buyers by providing relief against the incidental acquisition costs,” Lars Schriewer demanded. “The price growth alone has quickly driven up revenues from the real estate transfer tax for many years now, yet municipalities keep raising their rates. It actually presents a huge opportunity for tax relief. Conceivable options include an allowance or some other form of relief against the incidental costs.”

“We therefore reiterate our demand that the body politic should do more to ease the access to homeownership. There are numerous examples from other countries in Europe, such as the United Kingdom and Belgium, where the real estate transfer tax is waived for first-time home buyers. Moreover, since the necessary equity capital presents the most common obstacle to homeownership, the latter could be made more attainable for low- to middle-income households by offering government-guaranteed subordinated loans, or by reforming the real estate transfer tax,” said Voigtländer.

To download the (German version of the) ACCENTRO Housing Cost Report, click here:

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

About the German Economic Institute (IW)

The Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) is a private economic research institute committed to a liberal economic and social order. Among the members of the registered association are about 110 German industry and employers’ associations as well as individual companies. Project partners include foundations, industry associations and public-sector institutions above all.


Justine Niemeyer ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0)30 88 71 81 563

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

Berlin, 30 March, 2022 - Germany's leading residential privatization company and residential investor, ACCENTRO Real Estate AG, has conducted a representative survey together with the market research institute INNOFACT on the requirements and wishes of prospective buyers regarding owner-occupied apartments and their motivation to buy. According to the survey, most prospective buyers are looking for a home for their own use, and young buyers in particular attach importance to the environment and sustainability. Personal freedom (63 percent) within one's own four walls and property as a retirement provision (57 percent) are the most important reasons for buying property in general. Aspects such as government incentives (14 percent) or favorable interest rates (22 percent) play only a secondary role in home ownership. Buyers, who let the property, thus as capital investment use, see that partly differently. Here each third capital investor would like to use the favorable interest level. Among owner-occupiers, it is only one in five.

"The much-discussed interest level apparently does not play a major role for many prospective buyers. The different motivations of buyers are also reflected in different consulting needs. Wherein for owner-occupiers above all the stability of value and the quality of living may be of particular importance - for an investor, a favorable financing structure may be decisive," explains Fabian Henning, Head of Sales at ACCENTRO Real Estate AG.

Different motivations for buying real estate

The idea of securing a home is a top priority when purchasing real estate. 80 percent of those surveyed cited retirement provisions as a key reason for buying real estate as an investment. Further motives are the real estate as net yield object (73 per cent), closely followed by the desire for financial security (72 per cent) as well as the protection against inflation (48 per cent). 76 percent of those surveyed said they wanted to use their property themselves. Younger people in particular (80 percent) want to use the purchased property more for themselves compared with older respondents (62 percent).

Purchase price and size - what matters most in buying a property?

84 percent of respondents said that the purchase price of a property was one of the most important factors in their decision. In addition, the size of the living space and the building fabric (83 percent each) are important. Ecology and sustainability play a role for 58 percent of respondents. For owner-occupiers in particular, a suitable size and a balcony are also important (85 percent) and a balcony or garden (79 percent) are also key criteria. In comparison, these points are somewhat less relevant for capital investors (69 percent balcony and 59 percent garden). "The requests for furnishings and fittings for gardens and balconies are quite similar for capital investors and owner-occupiers," explains Fabian Henning. "This is of no surprise, since balconies in particular are a value-enhancing and thus rent-increasing factor."

"We are very positively surprised by the growing awareness of ecology and sustainability when it comes to buying real estate," adds Johannes Müller, marketing manager of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG. "Almost 60 percent of those surveyed stated that environmental and climate protection reasons were important when purchasing real estate. In addition to the carbon footprint of building a property, energy efficiency and operating costs are particularly important."

Buying real estate - digital property search and hassle-free procedure

When asked about the process of buying real estate, 81 percent of respondents said that a smooth process and hassle-free procedure were the most important aspects for them. This is followed by achieving a favorable purchase price (76 percent) and very good advice from an estate agent (75 percent). The search for an apartment is primarily carried out digitally. Popular channels are real estate portals (61 percent), search engines on the Internet (50 percent) and broker websites (37 percent). Once the property has been found, the on-site visit continues to play the decisive role for the purchase. 81 percent of respondents want to see the property in person. But nevertheless: Online-inspections are highly popular. Nearly one in two would also like to get a virtual impression beforehand. Digital documents are also increasingly desired (77 percent). Printed documents are only important for 59 percent. Only every second younger person (25 to 39 years) still demands analog materials, compared with 70 percent of older people (50 to 69 years).

"Digitization plays a major role in the real estate search," says Müller. "From real estate portals on the Internet to Google searches and apps for smartphones, Germans want plenty of choice and be able to see and understand all the information from their couch at home. However, making a purchase without a live inspection of the actual property is still an option for very few people."

Gender differences when buying real estate

A balcony and garden appear to be more important decision-making criteria for women (83 percent) than for men (68 percent). Furthermore there are differences with the subject of broker commission between the sexes. A commission-free offer is important to 65 percent of women, but only to 56 percent of men. Male buyers (51 percent) make more rational decisions when buying real estate than women (36 percent). Both one in four women (27 percent) and one in five men (22 percent) trust their intuition when buying real estate. Men (65 percent) are more likely to use real estate as a capital investment than women (35 percent).

"We can observe some gaps in preferences between women and men when buying real estate. It is also a fact that women now make up a growing proportion of real estate buyers. It is therefore important to know the needs of the individual buyer groups and to make suitable as well as attractive offers accordingly," Henning sums up.

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).


Justine Niemeyer ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0)30 88 71 81 563

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

Berlin, 30 November 2021 – ACCENTRO Real Estate AG, an investor in residential real estate and Germany’s leading housing privatisation company, continues to grow dynamically and looks back on a very successful nine-month period.

Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG, is satisfied: “We continued the strong business development we have been seeing since the start of this year with a very successful third quarter. Compared to the same period last year, revenues during the first nine months almost doubled. Our EBIT increased many times over. The main driver behind this performance was the dynamic trend in our housing privatisation business. Given the strong business performance, we confirm the forecast for 2021, and see great potential for long-term growth.”

Group earnings substantially increased

Group revenues rose by 92.0 % to EUR 125.4 million (previous year: EUR 65.3 million). Even more dynamic was the performance of group earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT): These climbed up to EUR 31.0 million (previous year: EUR 5.6 million). Accordingly, group earnings after taxes (EAT) increased to EUR 9.6 million (previous year: EUR -11.8 million) and earnings per share increased to EUR 0.30 (previous year: EUR -0.36).

Fair value adjustments of investment properties—meaning real estate that ACCENTRO holds in its portfolio for the longer term—had a positive impact on EBIT with EUR 16.3 million (previous year: EUR 2.0 million). It clearly demonstrates the quality and the capital appreciation potential of our real estate.

Total assets increased to EUR 958 million (31 December 2020: EUR 862 million), which is primarily attributable to the further expansion of the proprietary stock of rental flats. As a result, rental income surged by 86.6 % to EUR 15.3 million (previous year: EUR 8.2 million). This prompted a rise in net asset value (NAV) per share to around EUR 13.

ACCENTRO repeated its strong performance in the privatisation of residential real estate, seamlessly maintaining the dynamic growth of the previous quarters in the third quarter. The company sold 614 units to tenants, owner-occupiers and private investors – an increase by 132.6 % over prior-year period (previous year: 264 units). The volume of notarised property sales totalled EUR 188.6 million and also exceeded the prior-year figure by a significant 155.2 % (previous year: EUR 73.9 million). Revenues almost doubled during the first nine months, growing by 94.6 % to EUR 108.4 million (previous year: EUR 55.7 million). The volume of notarised property sales whose transfer of benefits and burdens was still pending by the balance sheet date of 30 September 2021 amounted to EUR 96.4 million.

Outlook confirmed

Given the successful business development during the first nine months, ACCENTRO confirms its forecast for this year. Accordingly, revenues will grow by up to around 60 % to somewhere between EUR 170 and 200 million (previous year: EUR 125.2 million) and EBIT by up to around 44 % to somewhere between EUR 45 and 50 million (previous year: EUR 34.8 million). All of the company’s business units will contribute to the positive earnings performance. During the fourth quarter, further income from fair value adjustments of investment properties will be significantly complemented by earnings both from individual apartment sales and from block sales.

Lars Schriewer takes an optimistic view of the future: “ACCENTRO is superbly positioned in all of its business units. The company has a very well-filled privatisation pipeline of residential properties already legally partitioned into condominiums. In addition, our proprietary rental portfolio, which we keep expanding in a dynamic effort, offers plenty of appreciation and rental potential. Moreover, we have laid the foundation for significant growth in our service business, i.e. real estate sales for third parties such as project developers, by entering into an exclusive sales cooperation for residential properties with ImmoScout24 just a few weeks ago. In addition to the privatisation of existing properties, which has been successful for decades, ACCENTRO is thus increasingly entering into the sale of new-build flats."

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is a residential investor and market leader in residential privatization in Germany. The real estate portfolio comprised around 5,900 units as at December 31, 2023. In addition to Berlin, the regional focus is on major eastern German cities and metropolitan areas as well as the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region. AC-CENTRO's business activities comprise three core areas. These are the tenant-oriented sale of apartments to private owner-occupiers and investors, the sale of real estate portfolios to institutional investors, the development and management of its own real estate portfolio and services for third parties. The shares of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG are listed in the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

Marketing Contact:

Johannes Müller ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0) 30 – 88 71 81 44

Press and Public Relations contact:

Holger Friedrichs PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin E-Mail: Tel.: +49(30) 726276157

Berlin, 10 November 2021 – ACCENTRO Real Estate AG (“ACCENTRO”), an investor in residential real estate and Germany’s leading housing privatisation company, and Immobilien Scout GmbH (“ImmoScout24”) are pooling their forces in the marketing and selling of residential real estate. The two companies agreed on a strategic collaboration that has just been signed into effect in Berlin. The cooperation is long-term.

In conjunction with their strategic partnership, ACCENTRO and ImmoScout24 will identify residential real estate assets for joint marketing in the future. ACCENTRO offers owner companies guaranteed purchasing agreements for marketing and selling their assets. The digital marketing of the properties will be fully and exclusively handled by ImmoScout24. Being Germany’s leading online marketplace for real estate, ImmoScout24 offers access to more than 20 million users each month via its website or app.

“Our exclusive partnership with Germany’s leading real estate platform, ImmoScout24, propels us into our next growth phase,” commented Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO. “The housing market is booming. By entering into this collaboration, we are strengthening our service spectrum for institutional sellers, property developers, estate agents and other property companies who wish to sell some of their portfolio assets. The impressive reach and the marketing service spectrum of ImmoScout24 opens up a whole new dimension for ACCENTRO: It will translate into significantly stronger growth of the new build segment in the medium term than we had been expecting so far.”

“With its long-term experience and its extensive network, ACCENTRO is a perfect partner for us. ImmoScout24 contributes its strength to the online marketing of properties – from marketing strategy, project homepages, to special advertising forms and social media marketing,” said Ralf Weitz, Managing Director of ImmoScout24. “What sellers and investors get out of this partnership, which combines best access to Germany’s largest real estate market with a highly productive sales organisation operating nationwide, is a unique package for the marketing of residential real estate.”

Within the framework of a purchasing agreement, ACCENTRO will handle the marketing of apartment portfolios belonging to investors or property developers on an exclusive basis. In return, Accentro guarantees to take over apartments into its proprietary portfolio at a fixed price in case selling them to third parties within a certain period of time proves impossible.

ImmoScout24 will be responsible for the entire online marketing strategy of the projects, including the compilation of sell sheets, the development of websites (micro sites), the placement in Germany’s largest online marketplace for real estate, the selection of suitable special advertising forms, and the marketing on social networks. These services will be provided by the internal media unit operating like an in-house agency—a concept that ImmoScout24 has successfully offered to property developers and large customers under a full-service concept for some time now.

For more details, go to

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).


Justine Niemeyer ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0)30 88 71 81 563

Press and Public Relations Contact:

Karl-Philipp Jann, PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin Email: Tel. 030 - 72 62 76 1612

Berlin, 14. August 2020 - ACCENTRO launches Sales for Unique Residential and Commercial Units in Riehmers Hofgarten in Berlin Kreuzberg

Riehmers Hofgarten combines classic, pre-war apartments with commercial units and exclusive, new-build penthouses with floor plans ranging from 21 to 301 square meters and two to nine rooms. The fully renovated apartments boast generous ceiling heights, stucco elements, parquet or plank floors as well as high-end bathroom ceramics, fixtures and fittings. A number of the units can be reached via an elevator. The penthouse apartments also have roof terraces with views over the rooftops of Berlin. Completion is scheduled for autumn 2021.

ACCENTRO acquired this iconic complex at the end of 2018 and commenced refurbishment and restoration work in Q3 2019 in close consultation with Berlin’s Monument Authority. Meticulous renovation work will be carried out on a high number of apartments and the property’s stairwells and entrance areas, including the restoration of several historic frescoes. With work well underway, the building’s pipework has already been renewed, elevators have been installed and state-of-the-art bell and letterbox systems have been added. In order to supplement the existing parking spaces in the property’s underground parking garage, ACCENTRO is also creating bicycle stands in the inner courtyard as well as spaces for prams.

“Even by ACCENTRO standards, Riehmers Hofgarten is a very special property. Across the whole of Berlin, demand for high-end refurbished condominiums has never been higher. While we assume that our buyers will largely be from Germany, Kreuzberg’s outstanding international reputation and vibrant cultural scene will certainly also appeal to international buyers,” says Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG. “Even before the start of our sales and marketing campaign, we have succeeded in breathing new life into this unique residential complex and have aroused a great deal of interest from art and culture aficionados. In addition to owner-occupiers, who are sure to appreciate the beautiful condominiums in Riehmers Hofgarten, the complex’s residential and commercial units also present the ideal investment opportunity for capital investors,” adds Schriewer.

For more information on Riehmers Hofgarten and to take virtual tours of the properties, please visit:

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

Press and Public Relations Contact:

Karl-Philipp Jann, PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin Email: Tel. 030 - 72 62 76 1612

Berlin, 02 June 2021 – ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is the official partner of the NOVENTI OPEN tennis tournament in Halle (North Rhine-Westphalia). As part of the agreement, the company has signed a contract with OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG, the operating company of the OWL ARENA. In this way, ACCENTRO is supporting the established top sporting event that the international tennis world looks up to every year. That is why the NOVENTI OPEN attracts some of the biggest crowds in Germany. During the last edition, more than 115,000 spectators followed the matches on site. The tournament is broadcasted live on ZDF, Eurosport and in 170 countries worldwide as part of the important ATP Tour 500 Series.

„We are very excited about this long-term partnership. The NOVENTI OPEN is one of the most outstanding top events in tennis. It therefore fills me with great enthusiasm that ACCENTRO is supporting this event through our cooperation,'' states Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG. The NOVENTI OPEN has been held as a men's tennis tournament on grass courts since 1993. Many of the world's best professional players use the tournament as their final rehearsal for the Grand Slam tournament in Wimbledon. The 28th NOVENTI OPEN will once again be held from June 12 to 20, 2021, with a top-class field of participants led by world star Roger Federer.

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

Marketing Contact:

Johannes Müller ACCENTRO Real Estate AG Kantstraße 44/45 10625 Berlin E-Mail: Tel. +49 (0) 30 – 88 71 81 44

Press and Public Relations Contact:

Karl-Philipp Jann, PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin Email: Tel. 030 - 72 62 76 1612

Berlin, 18 July 2019 – ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is exclusively marketing a modern multi-family house in scenic Schöneiche near Berlin on behalf of the Käthe-Kollwitz Schöneiche GbR property development company. A historic former school building raised in 1900 will be stripped to shell and converted into 17 high-end flats of two to three bedrooms and of about 55 to 85 square metres in size, which translates into a total residential floor area of 1,140 square metres spread across two floors and the newly developed attic floor. The completion is scheduled for late 2019.

All of the flats come with generous balconies or patios that overlook surroundings dotted with old-growth trees. It is a place that combines tranquillity and peace of mind with the proximity of a major city. The flats themselves offer excellent specification such as underfloor heating, oak parquet floor, triple-glazed windows that are film-coated on one side and include electric aluminium blinds, as well as branded sanitary fixtures and fittings. In addition, parking spots for the future residents will be created on the 1,890-square-metre grounds.

“As an established housing company with focus on Germany’s first city, we have noted that demand for housing has also gone up steadily in the suburbs,” said Jacopo Mingazzini, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG. “We are therefore pleased to have the chance of adding another modern and attractive property to our marketing portfolio,” Mingazzini went on to say.

“We are going for a high standard in our development of the multi-unit dwellings at Käthe-Kollwitz-Str. 6, which is why we are putting a premium on detail. The flats come with open-plan eat-in kitchens, sound-proof apartment entrance doors with three-point locking systems and generously proportioned layouts. The dream of life in quiet surroundings can thus become reality in Schöneiche near Berlin,” said Hans Wittmann of Käthe-Kollwitz Schöneiche GbR as he elaborated on the “Käthe” residential development.

The town of Schöneiche lies in the Oder-Spree District south-east of Berlin’s city limits and is embedded in a landscape of small swimming lakes and nature protection areas. The ruggedly romantic woods of Kleiner Spreewald nearby are a popular day-trip destination. The commute to Berlin only takes ten minutes by car and even by public means of transportation, the metropolis next door lies within easy reach.

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

Press and Public Relations Contact:

Karl-Philipp Jann, PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin Email: Tel. 030 - 72 62 76 1612

Berlin, 13 May 2019 – ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is marketing the posh Art Nouveau housing complex AVENIR in Potsdam on behalf of Spree Zweite Beteiligung Ost GmbH. It consists of two four-storey residential buildings raised in 1910 that divide into front building, side building and back building, located on Hans-Thoma-Strasse in Potsdam. The 35 condominiums, whose sizes range from two to five bedrooms and from around 56 to 236 square metres, feature balconies, loggias or roof terraces, as the case may be. The site of this grand townhouse in baroque-revival style, located between the Dutch Quarter, the lakefront of Heiliger See and the cultural venues along Schiffbauergasse comes with excellent transport links and infrastructure.

“During the refurbishment, the existing historic building fabric that is so characteristic of this building was painstakingly restored with great attention to detail while new accommodation was added in the attic. The lift in the front building is embedded in the elegant staircase. We anticipate keen demand from owner-occupiers but also from buy-to-let investors because a property in such a central location, with such generously proportioned floor plans and bourgeois, yet modernised building fabric will quickly attract a large number of leads,” said Michaela Witt, project manager of Spree Zweite Beteiligung Ost.

“Our service spectrum is not limited exclusively to our core market Berlin. We market existing properties and property developments in sought locations across Germany. This property in the state capital of Brandenburg represents yet another highlight in our positive track record,” said Jacopo Mingazzini, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG.

For details and visual impressions of the project, go to its homepage at:

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

Press and Public Relations Contact:

Karl-Philipp Jann, PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin Email: Tel. 030 - 72 62 76 1612

Berlin, 2 April 2019 – The Berlin-based company ACCENTRO Real Estate AG will market an exclusive housing estate in Berlin’s district of Tiergarten on behalf of its owner, Step2Capital Group. Raised on the corner of Flotowstrasse and Bachstrasse in the Hansaviertel quarter in 1984, the apartment building of 48 flats stands out because of the unique design of its façade and floor plan. The residential units, which range from 64 to 95 square metres in size and have between two and four bedrooms, feature tub-equipped bathrooms and separate kitchens, and some come with additional guest WCs and storage rooms. The majority of the flats have conservatories with floor-length windows, while other flats have balconies. “These modern condominiums were created in connection with the International Building Exhibition that took place between 1979 and 1987. It is an apartment building superbly located, close to the heart of the inner city in the Hansaviertel, a quarter directly next to the Tiergarten landscape park,” said Fabian Probst, Managing Director of Step2Capital Group.

“The existing scheme on Flotowstrasse is yet another property for us that we market on behalf of a third party. It is a service contract that neatly ties in with our positive track record. Real estate we successfully marketed in the past includes all types of properties, from existing to new-build assets, and various districts of Berlin, from Mitte to Neukölln and all the way to Spandau,” elaborated Jacopo Mingazzini, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG.

For details and visual impressions of the project, go to its homepage at:

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

Press and Public Relations Contact:

Karl-Philipp Jann, PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin Email: Tel. 030 - 72 62 76 1612

Berlin, 18 March 2019 – The Berlin-based property company ACCENTRO Real Estate AG will handle the marketing end of the exclusive townhouse project in Oranienburg on behalf of property developer First Home Wohnbau GmbH. The project consists of two rows of seven houses each and is located on Neckarstrasse in Oranienburg. Designed as attached houses of 167 to 171 square metres on plots of 253 to 630 square metres, the homes include roof terraces and two car parking spots each. The project is under development directly next to the River Havel, separated from the riverbank only by a hedge and a public foot path. The nearest rapid transit and regional railway station is around one kilometre away from the site. This puts downtown Berlin within reach of a 30-minute commute using public transportation. “The location of these new terraced properties with direct access to the River Havel will appeal particularly to people who prefer living in a green environment without having to relinquish the amenities of urban life in the capital Berlin. Based on our experience with a project of similar design in Spandau, we anticipate a keen interest among owner-occupiers. Especially for families, townhouses are an ideal home, but at the same time they would also be perfectly suitable as buy-to-let investment,” said Dr. Karin Stammer, Managing Director of First Home.

“We are expanding our collaboration with experienced property developers, this being the second project we are marketing for First Home,” explained Jacopo Mingazzini, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG. “By committing our expanded service options to collaborative ventures with property developers, we deploy our marketing know-how and our high net worth to make such projects a success,” Mingazzini went on to say.

For details and visual impressions of the project, go to its homepage at:

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

Press and Public Relations Contact:

Karl-Philipp Jann, PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin Email: Tel. 030 - 72 62 76 1612

Berlin, 11 February 2019 – ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is about to launch sales of its con-dominiums at Uhlandpalais. Buy-to-let investors and owner-occupiers have the choice of generously proportioned period flats and attic apartments. The Belle Époque building, raised in the baroque-revival style, is located near Kurfürstendamm on Uhlandstrasse 173/174. Raised in 1899, it features a front building, side building and a back building grouped around an inner courtyard.

Terraced flat or attic apartment—all of the units at Uhlandpalais radiate a manorial flair. Some of the luxurious flats of 3 to 9 bedrooms come with loggias, Juliet balconies or roof terraces, as the case may be. Extending over 108 to 310 square metres and having ceiling heights of up to four metres, these flats offer upscale home amenities in an exclusive location in direct proximity to Kurfürstendamm. The large wooden double-cased windows, preserved in their original state, admit plenty of natural light into the interiors.

“Uhlandpalais is not just a stately Belle Époque building. The quarter around Uhlandstrasse is also one of the most popular areas in the City West sub-district,” said Jacopo Mingazzini, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG.

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

Press and Public Relations Contact:

Karl-Philipp Jann, PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin Email: Tel. 030 - 72 62 76 1612

Berlin, 04 February 2019 – ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is set to continue its successful collaboration with T&T Grundbesitz GmbH with a property located on the corner of Silber-steinstrasse 45 and Hertastrasse. COLORS NEUKÖLLN is a six-storey residential scheme under development that will deliver 33 high-end flats of one to four bedrooms and of around 25 to 124 square metres in size. A large number of these flats are handicap-accessible and come with one or two balconies each. The recessed storey is being developed into three penthouse apartments of 70 to 124 square metres and two to four bedrooms plus patios that offer an amazing view across Berlin’s rooftops. Its completion is scheduled for spring of 2020.

“Last year, we successfully marketed the 69 residential units of a project called ‘The Wing’ on the other side of the Schillerkiez neighbourhood. The marketing period extended over roughly twelve months. COLORS NEUKÖLLN is another project that we are collaboratively raising together with a property developer and that we will be marketing,” said Jacopo Mingazzini, CEO of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG. “As Germany’s leading privatiser of housing stock, we bring decisive know-how to the job of marketing residential real estate. This creates ideal syn-ergy effects for selling new-build construction projects. It is in this field that we intend to push for growth,” Mingazzini went on to say.

“We are going for a high standard in our development of the multi-unit dwellings on Silber-steinstrasse, which is why we are putting a premium on detail. The flats have generously pro-portioned floor plans, floor-length windows on every floor, and will amaze you with the classy design of their bathrooms,” as Zoran Topalovic of T&T explains.

For more details on the COLORS NEUKÖLLN project and virtual viewing options, go to:

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is Germany’s market leader in housing privatizations. In addition to its home market of Berlin, the company focuses on auspicious metro regions such as Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr and Leipzig. In its Privatization business unit, ACCENTRO retails condominiums from its proprietary portfolio to owner-occupiers and buy-to-let investors or – bundled into portfolios – to institutional investors. In its Services & Ventures business unit, ACCENTRO sells apartments on behalf of investors and property developers – including through equity investments in its own right within the framework of joint ventures. ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

Press and Public Relations Contact:

Karl-Philipp Jann, PB3C GmbH Rankestraße 17, 10789 Berlin Email: Tel. 030 - 72 62 76 1612

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